212 Front Street - The Worn Doorstep
Also known as "The Electric Light Cottage." It was built in 1870. The house has a beautiful view overlooking Lake Ontario.
Property Details:
The Worn Doorstep was built in 1870 and has been the home to a variety of businesses.
It was originally built as a paint factory in the 1870s.
During the 1890s it was an electric generating plant. Hazel Matthews, in
After serving as an electric light plant the building was remodelled into a summer cottage.
In 1925, Edith Brown purchased the property and opened a tea room called
It was originally built as a paint factory in the 1870s.
During the 1890s it was an electric generating plant. Hazel Matthews, in
Oakville and the Sixteenwrites,
current was obtained from the Cataract Power Company of Hamilton and when the more powerful street lights went on for the first time on February 22, 1909, [George] Sumner noted carefully:
There are 112 lights of 32 C[andle] P[ower] and 20 of 50 C. P. consuming 5080 watts per hour. If burning 7 hours per night for the year, would cost $3.50 per night. An all night service would cost more.
After serving as an electric light plant the building was remodelled into a summer cottage.
In 1925, Edith Brown purchased the property and opened a tea room called
The Worn Doorstep.The name was taken from a First World War novel by the same name.